Although I love the sun and the sand and the overall gloriousness of California, there are definitely some things I'm going to miss about North Carolina. And I've made a list of all the things I'll miss:
1. The Southern Accent

I find myself turning on Paula Deen's cooking show just so I can hear the southern drawl and the "y'alls".
2. Front Porches

I have no idea why California and most of the West have yet to embrace front porches, but they should because they are a fabulous thing and kind of a necessity. What is more relaxing than siting on your front porch in your rocking chair, sipping on some lemonade or sweet tea and reading a book? Nothing. Someday I will have a house with a front porch... even if I have to add it myself.
3. Sweet Tea and Biscuits

Sweet Tea here means iced tea with sweetener and the biscuits are definitely not as fluffy and delicious.
4. BoJangles
Even though I only ate there twice, I miss seeing it on the side of the road and really miss hearing people say "It's BO Time!"
5. Cheaper gas-- California gas prices are killer!! And not only that, but you have to drive farther and in WAY more traffic.
6. Fireflies-- The first time I ever saw a firefly was in North Carolina. They are so beautiful!
7. The Outer Banks
The Outer Banks is such a beautiful place. Its what you think of when you think of an "east coast beach". I highly recommend visiting or camping there like Josh and I did last Fourth of July.
8. My friends!
I made such great friends and met so many amazing people in Chapel Hill. It's too bad they live across the country or I definitely would be visiting them all the time!
And Of course there are things I WON'T miss about the South:
1. THE BUGS (I hate hate hate bug bites. Not only are they annoying and itchy, but they are so unattractive)
2. The humidity! I have NO idea how people in the South cope with it. One summer of it was enough for me. It is the most miserable feeling to be hot and wet and sticky. YUCK!
There is definitely a lot that I'll miss about North Carolina and I know I missed a ton of other stuff. However, I don't want this blog to seem like I'm complaining about living here because I miss it in Chapel Hill. I LOVE it here and I really couldn't be more happy (well that's not true, if Josh was here life would be grand).
I mean just look at the view I get on my morning run now. Enough said.
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