Cardiac Clinical Group + Louise (our amazing clinical instructor).. look at all those happy faces
To celebrate the end of clinical we all went out to Los Portillos. It definitely wasn't the amazing Mexican food in AZ but I have to say it was pretty good for North Carolina. And boy those Margaritas were deliciosos!
I've learned so much during clinical and I can't believe it's over already! It's really neat to think about how much I've learned in these past few months. Honestly I think I've learned more since I started this program in January than I have in my entire college career. They seriously cram us with info and it's amazing that most of it actually sticks :). This summer flew by! I'm getting closer and closer to being a real nurse. :) Next semester is going to be great... peds and maternity. I can't wait!
So now the only thing left is finals! Yay! And then a month off!
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