This house pretty much amazes me. I've never seen something like it. Literally the water washes up underneath the house. Talk about beach front property!
The Outer Banks is only about 4 hours from Chapel Hill. On this trip we went to Nags Head and camped in the national park there. The campground was great, only about 100 feet from the beach and we could literally hear the ocean waves from our tent. There is nothing more relaxing than being able to hear the waves at night while going to bed. Honestly it was wonderful and the weather could not have been more perfect! The high was about 79 and it wasn't humid at all the entire weekend.When Josh and I walked over the dunes to the beach we were shocked! There were cars EVERYWHERE on the beach. Here Josh and I were with our two little towels and we were surrounded by big trucks. We had to be careful not to get run over. It almost look like one of those monster car conventions because everyone had their supped up trucks to show off. People were sitting in the backs of their trucks instead of on the beach. I'm not sure if this is typical, but maybe it is for the Outer Banks. It was just strange to see.
Cars on the beach??The next day Josh wanted to go jet skiing sooooo sooo bad, but I am deathly afraid of water. I don't know what it is but I just get scared of big bodies of water. I'm fine with a pool, I love the pool (I was on the swim team back in the day), but when it comes to lakes and oceans I get a little freaked out, especially when traveling high speeds in them. Plus, the price to rent a jet ski for an hour was just RIDICULOUS!! They definitely raised the prices for 4th of July. I felt bad because Josh wanted to go so bad, but we didn't end up going. However, I did make him a promise that I would get up the courage to go with him another time. And I am telling you now that I am going to keep my promise.
Later we went to the Jockey's Ridge State Park where they have the largest natural sand dune on the East Coast. Definitely not the biggest sand dune I've ever seen, but it was still pretty neat. You can learn how to hangglide there too which I would LOVE to do. I'll add that to my list of things to do. And yes you read it correctly, I afraid to go jet skiing but I'll go hanggliding... weird I know.
Our time at the Outer Banks was short lived but I had an amazing time! I'd love to go back! The beach was great and so relaxing. For the Fourth we went into town and walked around. They were having a Fourth of July festival which was so cute. There were gospel singers, a pie back off and lots of watermelon to eat. It's exactly what I'd picture a Southern Fourth of July to be like. The town are so cute there and they have the most adorable houses!! Someday I'd like a house with a big porch in the front, just like all the houses out here. And I'll sit on my porch, relax and read a book with some lemonade or sweet tea. Man, the south is really starting to get to me. :)
Looks like great fun! I am glad you two were able to relax for the weekend. bonnie