Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dewees Island, also known as "Heaven on Earth"

Ok, Dewees Island isn't really known as "Heaven on Earth" but to me its pretty much perfect. To celebrate our graduation from nursing school, 9 girls and I drove down to South Carolina to celebrate for a few days at the beach. One of the girls' parents have a home on Dewees Island which is close to Charleston. Dewees Island is practically deserted; you have to take a ferry to get there and there are only golf carts allowed on the island. There are no restaurants, no stores; just a few homes and a lot of alligators and birds. I think this was the first time I've seen an alligator in real life and I can say that t hey are even creepier in person.

Our poor lil' seagull friend "Peggy" because of his peg leg :(

This was the perfect end to what has been a hectic and busy year and a half of nursing school. We all busted our butts and worked hard so this was a much needed and well-deserved vacation. And what a perfect vacation it was! We did nothing but lay on the beach, play games, chat, relax, eat, drink a nd just hang out.

One of our better Apples to Apples rounds on game night. I put down "Tiger Woods" for "Touchy Feely" and lets just say I won that hands down :)

I definitely got burnt from all that fun in the sun, but definitely not as bad as some of the girls. Poor Katy!!

I LOOOVE beaches and this was probably one of the best beaches I've been to. Why? Because NOBODY was there! I'm used to crowded Southern California beaches where you have to stake out an area early in the morning just to have a place for the afternoon. But it wasn't like this at all. There was literally nobody around for miles and miles. And there were sand dollars EVERYWHERE!! I have always wanted to find sand dollar, and within the first five minutes of being on the beach I found one. So I took a few home as souvenirs.

Sand dollars galore!

I could tell a million stories about our trip and all the fun we had, but I'll let the photos do the talking.

I've got some pretty stylish friends ;) haha

With cooler and drinks in tote we're ready for the beach!

View from the house

I could spend days on this hammock. So peaceful and so serene, it felt like something from the Notebook or something.

Dewees Island was pure bliss and I miss it so much!! And I miss the company too!! :) A big THANK YOU to Kara for organizing the trip and for her family for being so kind as to let us use their house!

Miss you girls so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww... I absolutely love this post and the one of the south... It reminds me of how much fun we had and how much I love all of you girls! What a great time and a great group we had! I feel like everything ended so quickly its hard to believe that everyone is spread across the country. Sasha, I hate that you are so far away! I CANNOT wait to see you and everyone again!
